Across the street: the interior demolition of Annie Leibovitz’s former home.
Posted on: November 2nd, 2014 by Marc Brown 6 Comments

We look forward to our new neighbors, David Lauren and Lauren Bush Lauren adding their vision to their new home. They certainly have great architecture to work with.



6 Responses

  1. It is a gorgeous building in a special neighborhood. It’ll be such a fun project to watch take shape.

    Also, does it get much better than autumn in New York?

    • Marc Brown says:

      It is a great building. I’m optimistic that the Laurens will do something that respects the architecture.I’m eager to see what plans they have for the roof. Right now there’s a temporary structure that outlines something they hope to build that needs approval.
      Just a bit difficult to watch millions of dollars of internal renovation work that Annie did, gutted in a few days. I was impressed at how quickly and efficiently the work was done though.

  2. I think more so than the money, with projects like these in places that hold so much history, it’s difficult and sometimes heartbreaking to witness change. The sidewalks were recently widened in my old neighborhood in San Francisco and in the process a tree was cut down in front of Harvey Milk’s old camera shop. When I saw the tree gone my first thought was that Harvey had probably looked at or at the very least walked by that tree every single day, leaned on it, came up with ideas in its shade, lived his life around it. And it made me sad for a moment to see it gone.

    I’m certain that Annie took many wonderful photos inside that house, probably photos you or I have seen and been impacted by. Sometimes the quickness and efficiently with which we can make changes to things that have been around a while, although impressive, can be tough to handle.

    Do you know who lived there before Annie?

    • Marc Brown says:

      Corey, there was a huge drama when Annie first bought the two corner buildings before lived across the street. She wanted a 20 foot high studio in the basement and in the process of digging…the next door building started to …have structural issues. They sued Annie and she bought the third building. She did a beautiful gut renovation joining all three houses that took a few years. Now all of that interior work is gone. A clean slate for the new owners.
      See what it looked like and where she moved. She was TRYING to downscale to pay off debts. She had quite the lifestyle and staff when she lived across the street. I personally think a live-in yoga instructor is a little over the top.

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