Took this selfie as I was about to begin my keynote speech at the opening dinner for the New York State Association for the Education of Young Children, 2014 Annual Conference Turning Stone Resort and Conference Center Thursday evening.
Great enthusiastic teachers and a casino next to the ballroom where I spoke. What could go wrong?
It looks like you had one too many cappucinos.
Hello, i am bella.
I am korean, 6 years old.
I am kindergarten girl.
I like arthur very much. And i like you.
Do you want to visit korea?
I will wait for you. Please.
I would love to visit Korea, Bella. I am amazed that so many of my books are published in South Korea. Do you watch the ARTHUR TV show too?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
I watch very very many Arthur tv show on Youtube.
And I bought Arthur DVD. That was very very fun.
I have very very many Arthur book in my home.
I am happy because I received your reply.
Please write another Arthur book.
At morning I read Arthur chapter book.
That was fun too.
Thank you very much.
Hi,my name is oviya
I love your stories about Arthur
Iam also the same standard which Arthur studies.
But I am only 7 years old.
I live in Trichy in tamilnadu I am indian.
Your stories are very intresting it is real and not real.
I have sent you a mail in email. Please read it.
I watch Arthur everyday.
I was writing a story before I was sending you this thing.
Would you like to visit Trichy?
Would you like to read the story after I finish please?I can send you a copy???
Hi Oviya!
Thank you for writing to say you like my stories. You made my day!
Do you like living in Trichy? I have not visited India but I would very much like to some day.
Your friend,
Marc Brown