The Arthur Animation Team @ 9 Story Entertainment
Posted on: January 24th, 2014 by Tolon Brown 6 Comments

We had a great time meeting the 9 Story Arthur team up in Toronto! It’s so easy these days to go on without meeting people you work with face-to-face, but there’s really no substitute for getting together in the same room. They had a lot of great ideas for making the show even better and we can’t wait to see how the new season(s) turn out! If you fans have any ideas about what we can do to improve Arthur please write in and let us know.

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6 Responses

  1. Haegan says:

    Dear Marc Brown,

    I have been drawing pictures of Arthur and his friends. You started me on my career when I grow up. I want to start as a illustrator and then I want to be an author.

    Thank you Marc Brown for a better education.


    Haegan (Age 6) with help from Dad.

  2. Lori Straus says:

    I forgot how I jumped back into Arthur a few years ago when we finally introduced my oldest to TV while I nursed his brother. I think it was the Fred Rogers episode. My son had no idea who Fred Rogers was, of course, but I was hooked. A few days later, I think, came the Garfunkel episode. That was the sinker.

    I get more of a kick watching and reading Arthur than my boys do, and I’m 37. I don’t know how much better Arthur can get. I love the sensitivity you guys bring to tough topics like cancer and Alzheimer’s (the Alzheimer’s episode with Joan Rivers is one of my favourites) but also touch on how children can be true to themselves. My favourite episode there is the one where Arthur has to write a story and he tries to match what his friends are all doing, only to come up with something that doesn’t actually work.

    Thank you for producing such excellent children’s television.

    Lori in Ontario

  3. jackline says:

    hello? I am 8 years old and like watching your show.
    I hope you make that people will love your show.
    i really like your show.
    Mrs. Baxter looks like my teacher.
    I love Buster’s joke.
    I’d like to ask you to teach me how to draw all the characters in your show. I like all of them.

    Jackline in Seoul

  4. Rohnay Pinnock says:

    I am 11 years old and I love to watch Arthur on PBS. I really love to do the role of a new character in the series.

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